Straight Jacket Guerrilla Film Festival is the wildest film festival to have ever destroyed Hollywood!! No seriously have you heard CINEMA IS DEAD EARTHLINGS!!
What Straight Jacket introduces to it's audience is the total luxury of being in control of what entails the future for underground guerrilla film makers and their spectators.
With full access to our online film festival at youtube and Vimeo have become our ultimate weapons that leave movie theaters packing less sardines, lacking the convince of watching a film that fits in our pocket.
Because now that anyone can make a film with their phone and expose it to billions around the globe, watching film is now free and that defeats the corporations.
Microwave cinema has become more accessible to a wider audience that has taken over the the film makers dream by speculating sophisticated home video and fake film that is possible for them to direct.
We encourage all you movie divers to come experience the obscure gamble of guerrilla street culture.